Teaching Resources


Resource Rating

Colourful Alphabet Display

Seller: KA_Classroom_Ideas

ITEM No: 001721

Grade: Pre-K - Kindergarten 
Subject: English Language Arts
No Of Pages/Slides: 13
Answers provided: No
Type: Posters
Aligned To: Not Specified
Duration: Lifelong Tool
Price: $3.00

Colourful alphabet display of letter sounds to decorate your classroom. NSW foundation font.


I have seen many awesome alphabet displays online - however most of them used American font. Which is difficult to use in Australian classrooms as we form many letters differently in Australian handwriting, which we are required to teach. (eg. e, k, q, w, y etc). So I decided to make my own for my classroom.

I have carefully selected images that relate to the letter above, and that are less likely to be confused with other letters. eg. a picture of a cute dog could be seen a 'd' for dog or 'p' for puppy so I chose to use a dolphin instead. All images used were found freely available on the internet using 'google image search'.

I have decided not to use capital letters in my classroom display as I find (as a Kindergarten teacher) students come to school mostly recognising capitals and have a tendancy to use capital letters incorrectly when writing.

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Registered: 31 / 10 / 2015
From: NSW, Australia

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