Children Learn What They Sing™
‘Natural Phenomena’ is a values-based curriculum song for middle and upper primary. It helps students to understand what constitutes a natural disaster (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.) and highlights the work of agencies around the world that step in to help those affected when these occur. This song-based package download contains materials that integrate learning across key areas of school curriculum. Download Includes: - Mp3 Vocal Track
- Bonus Backing Track
- PDF Lyrics
Sample Lyrics: Chorus A natural phenomenon (whirling winds and lightning) Can strike at any time (thunderstorms so frightening) A natural disaster (quakes and hot volcanoes) Is chaos left behind (hurricanes, tornadoes) Verse 2 Everyone’s connected, in this global world of ours, We’re called to act with justice and compassion; And agencies around the world work tirelessly for hours, Providing help and care, in humble fashion! ©Lyrics: Nuala O'Hanlon, B.Ed; Cert Teaching Music: Kathryn Radloff, B.A. (Hons) Psych. * Pinterest Board: ‘Natural Phenomena’ (Free lesson plans, worksheets, posters, etc.) *More of our curriculum-based song packages on our Teach in a Box store
‘The phenomenon develops calmly, but it is invisible, unstoppable. ... One feels, one sees it born and grow steadily; and it is not in one's power to either hasten it or slow it down.’ ~ Leon Foucault, 1819-1868, French physicist Keystone Creations ~ Educational Songs A Lesson in Every Lyric®