Teaching Resources


Resource Rating


Seller: Marcelles_KG_Zone

ITEM No: 003158

Grade: Pre-K - Kindergarten 
Subject: For All Subject Areas
No Of Pages/Slides: 29
Answers provided: No
Type: Cooperative Learning
Aligned To: Not Specified
Duration: Lifelong Tool
Price: $4.80

This package contains a system to implement a BEE HIVE THEMED job chart in your classroom.


Here’s what’s included in 4 honey combs per page format


o Lunch clean up
o Books monitor
o Shelf clean up
o Plant care
o Guest greeter-door opener
o Sweeper
o Table clean up
o Pet care
o Pencil sharpener
o Calendar helper
o Recess equipment clean up
o Recycling monitor
o Line leader
o Snack helper
o Chair stacker
o Calendar helper
o Teacher helper
o School supplies monitor
o Games shelves monitor
o Light monitor
o IT monitor
o Caboose
o Weather reporter
o Line leader
o Flag carrier


o Small editable bee tags to place on top of the honey combs with student names.

Thanks for looking

KEY WORDS: Classroom job system, classroom responsibilities, classroom chores and duties, classroom editable labels, classroom , teaching cooperation, editable job chart

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  • (2)
(Followers) '6'
Registered: 23 / 10 / 2015
From: ONTARIO, Canada

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Title: Letter G Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Sight Word Boo...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Guided Reading...
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Insects- Cater...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Spring
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Short E- En Fa...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Cookies Ten Fr...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter G- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Number 6 Math ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Numbers
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Farm Animals- ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Day


Title: Ten Frame Kids...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Bus Ten Frames...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Chicken Life C...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter O Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Short A- Am & ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Butterfly Fram...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Spring
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Sight Word Fli...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: Reading
Type: Guided Reading...
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Fall- Scarecro...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: The Five Sense...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Opposites Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Addition 1-10 ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 2 Hours


Title: Daily Morning ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Bulletin Board...
File: .PPTX
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Page Dividers ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Feelings And E...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Pencil Tally M...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Body Parts-Bin...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Cooperative Le...
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Kids Toppers T...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Sight Word Boo...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Guided Reading...
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Short A- An Fa...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Kids With Clot...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: More Than-Grea...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Alphabet Begin...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Free Flower Ac...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Spring
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .JPG
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Editable Label...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Clip Art
File: .PPTX
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: 3D Shapes Grap...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: Graphing
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Week


Title: Letter T Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: N/A
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Counting Bubbl...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Numbers
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Ten Frame Kids...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: The Very Hungr...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Balanced Lite...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: 1 Week


Title: Dotted Frames-...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: 2D-3D Shapes I...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: Math
Type: Posters
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter W- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Ten Frame Kids...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Short E- Ed Fa...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Long O, -Ote &...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter J Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Classroom Job ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Cooperative Le...
File: .PPTX
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Winter- Math C...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: Math
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Alphabet Lette...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Letter E- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Short A- Ad & ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Butterfly Life...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Spring
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Week


Title: Subtraction Ma...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: Math
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Ten Frame Kids...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: School Kids Cl...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: 2D Shapes-Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Sight Word Fli...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: Reading
Type: Guided Reading...
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Zoo Animals-Zo...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Sight Word Boo...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Guided Reading...
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter M- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Insects- Cater...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Spring
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Free Pencil Pa...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Insects-Dung B...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: Science
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Short A- Word ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Kids Ten Frame...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Winter
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Math Pals-Math...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Number Charact...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Numbers
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Sight Word Boo...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Literacy Centr...
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Year


Title: Scale Measurem...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Gumballs, Gumb...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: 2D Shapes Trac...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Geometry
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Winter-Ending ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Alphabet Lette...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Letter C- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Penguins- Lite...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Number 17 Math...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Rainbow Animal...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Fall-Acorns- L...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Autumn
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Dress Me Up Fo...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Autumn
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Number Charact...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Letter X- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Bee Life Cycle...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Classroom Rule...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Bulletin Board...
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Ten Frame Kids...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Cvc Clipart- S...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Bus Teen Frame...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Farm Animals-O...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Do You Want To...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter L- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter M Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Spring- Ladybu...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Spring
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Sea Life-Diver...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 3 Hours


Title: More Than- Gre...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Fishing For Rh...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 2 Hours


Title: Jacket Ten Fra...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Counting Finge...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Numbers
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Numbers 1 To 2...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Numbers
Type: Workbooks
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Fall- Apples, ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Autumn
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 2 Hours


Title: Letter E Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter C Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Fall Clipart G...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Autumn
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter F- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Penguins Clipa...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Winter
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Digraphs-Begin...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Classroom Rule...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Bulletin Board...
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 2 Days


Title: Insects- Butte...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Spring
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Counting Jelly...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Feelings And E...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Spring- Ladybu...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Spring
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Month


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Ten Frame Kids...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Fall Math Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: More Than-Less...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter S- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Insects- Butte...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Spring
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Paint Brushes ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Number 9 Math ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Numbers
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Number Workshe...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Worksheets
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Ten Frame Kids...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Short I- In Fa...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Time To Rhyme:...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Holidays/Seaso...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Year


Title: Letter B Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Money Clip Art
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: Math
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Letter F Works...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Ch- Worksheets...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Cvc Clipart- S...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Alphabet Begin...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Mittens Galore...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Number Workshe...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Math
Type: Worksheets
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter H- Clip...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Rainbow Bears-...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Year 1 – Year ...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Alphabet Peopl...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Healthy Eating...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Week


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Body Parts- Fl...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Flash Cards
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Fall- Acorns-M...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: Autumn
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 2 Hours


Title: Healthy Eating...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: The Very Hungr...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Alphabet Lette...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .PDF
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Number Charact...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: Numbers
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Short A- Ag Fa...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Staff
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Editable Cubby...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Bulletin Board...
File: .PPTX
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Activities
File: .PDF
Duration: 1 Hour


Title: Fruit Frames C...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: All Grades
Subjects: For All Subjec...
Type: Clip Art
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Letter Of The ...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Worksheets
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Bee Themed Lab...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...
Grade/s: Pre-K - Kinder...
Subjects: English Langua...
Type: Bulletin Board...
File: .ZIP
Duration: Lifelong Tool


Title: Alphabet Direc...
Seller: Marcelles_Kg_Z...