"VOICES" is a great way to display the six traits of writing and the writing strategies or skills students need to learn to become proficient writers. This pack comes with 55 cards that you can display on your very own "VOICES" display board in your classroom. The "VOICES" writing traits include: Voice, Organisation, Conventions, Exciting Word Choice and Sentence Fluency. This product is sold in Word format so that you can easily edit the cards to suit your own needs and preferences. As you can see on the preview, the six traits are listed at the top of your display, forming "VOICES". Under each trait, you can put a definition of each writing strategy or skill that your class is working on. You may like to display all the cards at once or simply place them on the display board as you do a focus lesson on the skill. The "VOICES" board and skill cards can be referred to during whole class writing lessons or student conferences. Students can peg their name or place a name label next to the particular 'VOICES' strategies or goals that they are working on. Once students believe that they have achieved their writing goal, they can schedule a writing conference with the teacher where they provide evidence of their achievement (see my VOICES Writing Goal Record Sheet Freebie in my store ). The 'VOICES' display board and cards is a constant visual reminder for students to actively work towards their writing goals. It looks great and is easily visible from anywhere in the classroom.