These Spanish sub plans can be carried out by any sub while you are out of the classroom. Even better, you won't have to feel guilty that your students aren't learning while you are gone!
This set includes 5 full classes of lessons based on Hispanic myths & legends that are ready to print & go, require no technology, do not require the sub to produce any Spanish, and can be differentiated for any level of Spanish class.
Each lesson walks students through the interpretation of legends from around Latin America including the legends of La Llorona, El Silbón, Los Duendes, El Basilisco Chilote, and El Cadejo.
Students will work step by step to interpret the legends through a series of activities that ask them to relate the legends to present day, make cultural inferences about the purpose and origin of these legends, and compare these legends to their own culture and others. Each lesson asks students to think about the legend in the larger cultural context as they make observations and consider some thought provoking questions.