Teaching Resources


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Infant Curriculum

Seller: CreativeWorksheets

ITEM No: 002993

Grade: Pre-K - Kindergarten 
Subject: English Language Arts
No Of Pages/Slides: 68
Answers provided: No
Type: Whole Courses
Aligned To: Not Aligned / General Resource
Duration: 3 Months
Price: $18.00

Fantastic Curriculum for home use, early child care facility, or early learning company. Baby Curriculum is for 9 months - 12 months Babies.

The Program consists of 9 Units with 4 lessons in each
Welcome to the Infant Program. Based on four recurring themes:

Squeak Toys &Rattles
Blocks & Cups
Busy Toys
Stuffed Animals.

Baby Games
Speech / Language
Infant massage
Baby Signs
Home Made Toys
Scrap Book
Baby Foods

Activities include:
Body Parts

Creative Worksheets - Infant Curriculum Information

CW Infant program is designed to foster positive relationships and aid in infant development and growth during the important first year of life.
Based on the theory that play and meaningful interaction positively impact infant development and emphasizes the importance of providing your baby with the necessary developmental stimulation and enriching experiences during the critical stages of brain development.
Our Curriculum contains a diverse and stimulating variety of Age specific Activities, and exercises. It covers the developmental areas of Social/emotional understandings, self-awareness, learning through interactive parent/play, language development, cognitive and gross & fine motor skills development.
Unique to our program – we also offer Yoga for babies, Sign Language and Baby massage.

Infant Yoga
Babies sleep better, longer and more deeply after Yoga sessions with parents. The different bodily systems, eliminative, circulation, respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems are all stimulated and function more efficiently and effectively.
Some other benefits of yoga for your baby are:
After Yoga your baby will feel more relaxed and content.
Baby’s digestion is aided, the movements your baby dose in yoga ease and release gas pains and they show relief from fussiness and colic.
Yoga helps your baby to develop a positive body image as they explore their body in new ways. Babies, toddlers and small children show increased self-confidence through their freedom to roam, explore and express themselves.

Benefits of the Baby Sign Language

Over two decades of research by Drs. Acredolo and Goodwyn, much of it funded by the National Institutes of Health, has shown that using the Baby Signs provides many benefits for children and their parents.
• Reduces tears, tantrums and frustration
• Makes learning to talk easier
• Boosts self-esteem and self-confidence
• Stimulates intellectual development
• Strengthens the parent-child bond

Using the Baby Signs reduces tears, tantrums and frustration!

By the time babies are 9 to 10 months old, they are quite capable of knowing what it is they need or want. What they don't know is how to tell us with words—which leads directly to frustration for baby and parent alike. All this changes when a baby is able to use signs. With signs like "eat," "drink," "hot" and "cold,” literally at their fingertips, babies can make their needs known quickly and quietly without becoming frustrated and resorting to tantrums and tears. No wonder the answer we most frequently get from parents when we ask how using the Baby Signs has changed daily life is decreased frustration!

Using the Baby Signs makes learning to talk easier!
Some parents may worry that encouraging their child to use signs might slow down learning to talk. Actually, the opposite is true! Drs. Acredolo and Goodwyn’s federally funded research showed that using the Baby Signs actually helps babies learn to talk. They found that 2-year-old Baby Signers had significantly larger verbal vocabularies than their non-signing peers. And by the time they were three years old, the Baby Signers language skills were more like that of 4 years old.
Babies gain a lot of language knowledge when they are able to actively engage in communication with signs—knowledge that lays a good foundation for learning to talk. And, just as a child who learns to crawl is more, rather than less, motivated to learn to walk, so also a child who learns to sign is more, rather than less, motivated to learn to talk!

Using the Baby Signs boosts self-esteem and self-confidence!

What good self-esteem boils down to for any of us is the sense that we are perceived as both competent and valued in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. And that's just what the ability to use signs gives to babies. Because they can communicate effectively with their caregivers, and because their caregivers respond so positively to these communications, Babies who know sign language develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments that lays a solid foundation for the development of their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Using the Baby Signs stimulates intellectual development!
Children who had participated in Drs. Acredolo and Goodwyn’s Baby Signs® study were revisited again when they were 8 years old. Each child was assessed using the WISC-III, a typical IQ test for children. The results were very impressive. After controlling for family income, parents’ education and a number of other factors know to influence IQ, children who had signed as babies had significantly higher IQs (an average of 114) than the children who had not signed (an average of 102). That’s a full 12 points higher!

Using the Baby Signs strengthens the parent-child bond!

Because babies are able to communicate effectively with their caregivers, the number of positive interactions goes up and the number of negative interactions goes down. In other words, when a baby and parent can truly understand each other and share what’s on their minds, they feel more connected to one another.

With signs, even very young children can "tell" their caregivers they would like some milk, they saw an airplane or they heard a dog barking. They can let their caregivers know whether they are happy, sad or even afraid. Life with your baby becomes a shared life –and with greater sharing comes a stronger, sweeter parent-child bond.

Baby Massage
Massaging your baby is beneficial on many levels for both parents and baby. It is both relaxing and invigorating.
Some benefits of massage include:
Relaxing you and you baby – it’s a time for you as a parent to take some time out, listen to some relaxing music and spend valuable bonding time with your baby.
Massage helps reduce crying, encourages better sleep, helps boost the immune system and physical contact is known to improve baby’s mood and help them feel loved and secure.

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