The Amazing Color Factor Number Square is a resource that can be printed and duplicated for your children as many times as is needed. When laminated it becomes an indispensible learning aid children will love using. The Amazing Color Factor Number Square facilitates whole brain learning by bringing into play many of the brain's natural and powerful abilities such as imagination and imaging. Although especially effective if you are already familiar with the hands on approach to maths outlined in Child's Play Maths 1 & 2 it can also be utilsed independently of these programs as a powerful learning aid. The accompanying program notes cover the following topics: - Sequence of tables;
- Crosses and products;
- Square numbers;
- Division;
- Division with remainders;
- Fractions as operators;
- Introducing numerators;
- Factors;
- Prime Numbers;
- Fractions;
- Handling data and area:
- Pythagoras' Theorem.