This resource contains Maths Concept - Assessment Posters that are directly linked to the content descriptors and achievement standard of Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 Australian Curriculum for Mathematics.
These posters cover all the major concepts studied Geometry – Shape. The posters can be used to demonstrate the students understanding of the different math concepts - at the beginning of a unit or as an assessment at the end of the unit. A self-assessment is included on each poster. Placed in a maths journal, the posters are a great way of keeping track of how the students are going.
Australian Curriculum for Mathematics Content Descriptors YEAR 3—6 YEAR 3—Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key features (ACMMG063) YEAR 4—Compare and describe two dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common shapes, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMMG088) YEAR 5—Connect three-dimensional objects with their nets and other two-dimensional representations (ACMMG111) YEAR 6—Construct simple prisms and pyramids (ACMMG140)