Probability & More Probability! A set of four activities to introduce probability in words, fractions, decimals and percentages. Includes using the probability scale, designing spinners and a true or false activity:
*Probability in Words* Students need to decide whether each of the statements are impossible, unlikely, have an even chance of happening or not happening, are likely or certain.
*Design a Spinner!* Students need to complete each spinner so that it matches the probability statements that describe them.
*Probability in Fractions, Decimals and Percentages* Students need to decide which of the statements are true or false by thinking about probabilities expressed as fractions, decimals and percentages.
*The Probability Scale—putting events on the number line* Students have to decide where each of these events would be placed on the probability scale and match them to the letters in the correct positions.
Tags: Probability, Chance, Likely, Unlikely, Certain, Impossible; Thanks for visiting!