This product can be used in a number of ways. There are many templates to choose from. Blank templates so that the students can draw their own pictures or cut out a character/s from the collection of Peanut characters in this pack. The teacher could also use the templates fro creating a sample piece of work or labels for the room if having a Peanut theme. This pack includes:- *Blank bubbles and picture frames for students to write their own comics in a variety of colours (orange, multi, blue, yellow and black). *Blank bubbles with accompanying Peanut characters for students to fill in the bubbles also in a variety of colours (as above). *Smaller version with four frames with speech bubbles only. Students add characters of choice and add text in speech bubbles. *Coloured bubbles with words found in the Peanut series. *Blank coloured bubbles to add your own text.