Fun and engaging exercises to explore love and kindness The children start by exploring questions such as “How can you spread love wherever you go?” and “How can you dream big?” The students are asked to extract ideas, such as “Put love in an ice-cream and share it.” These ideas may help them when they design a machine that spreads love or write a heart shaped poem. The students are also asked to think about different aspects of the design of the machine, for example, “How you want to spread the love? and “What kind of love do you want to spread? 1. Question cards + blank cards 2. Things I Love 3. Things other people/animals love 4.Where in your body do you feel. . . 5. How can you spread love? 6. How can you randomly spread love? 7. Heart shaped poem 8. How can you build a machine that spreads love? 9. What if you could grow a loving heart? 10, Spread everyday kindness 11. Dream big 12. Big dream machine 13. Acrostic dream poem 14. What if you could. . . 15. Design a board game