Robots capture children's imagination. Self-driving cars, robot bees that pollinate flowers, and jumping kangaroo robots may be part of our future. With robots, children can learn to explore dreams and use these dreams to solve problems. Biomimicry is also an exciting way to inspire young children to be creative, curious and to observe the world. By combining these two topics, projects that use a problem solving approach have been designed. The projects are intended to inspire a playful and creative approach towards robots and biomimicry. 1.How can you build a cuddly robo? 2. Study a cuddly animal 3. Invent a name and design a cuddly robo 4. Letter writing 5. Poem 6. What can a kindness robo do? 7. Study kindness in nature 8. Design a kindness robo 9. Plan and write a kindness robo story 10. What can you use to build a love robo? 11. Study animals with big heart, several hearts . . 12. Design a love robo !3. Use animals and plants as inspiration to color in robos 14. Flower loving robos 15. Love poems inspired by the three hearts of the octopus 16. Acrostic poem 17. Things I love about robots The package also contains questions cards.