Includes: (at) (an) (ap) (et) (ig) (ip) (it) (og) (op) (ot) (ug) (un) Students look at the picture to guess the words and use their developing knowledge of sounds to write the initial sound for each word. On the other side they need to spell each word (mostly CVC words). I used to laminate these back to back and have my kindergarten students use whiteboard markers to write on & wipe off. (Until I discovered reusable dry erase pockets, which are a million times better!) I put them on a table for my literacy group rotations and often have a parent helper assist the group of 3-4 children engaging in the activity. I use different coloured paper for each word family to make them look more exciting! I also sometimes print double sided on paper for students to use as a worksheet and they can also colour in the pictures. I got the reusable dry erase pockets from here: (Australian Website Free Shipping)